Welcome to the Unofficial Friends School History Website!

Friends School Unofficial History Website

Katherine and Joe MacPhail’s parents gave us a chunk of money and let me choose how to use it.  I got their permission to use it to pay for professionally recorded videos of folks associated with CFS.  I moved forward and got Todd Tinkham, a local videographer, and Ahmed Selim, a CFS videographer, to make recordings for us.  All of the folks interviewed have given me permission to post the videos online.  I particularly want alums of CFS to be able to access our history through such sharing.
As a first step, on this website you can find some of the amazing videos we recorded.  Check them out.  Let me know if they work for you and what you get out of them.    punmasterhenry@gmail.com
I hope to be adding documents that I have in my possession.  Imagine being able to read comics written by students in the middle school during the 1970s!  Literary magazines from that time, too.
I hope to be adding sections of plays we did, too.
Any details about your life now and at CFS would be great to share!
With Zoom, came a lot of possibilities of recording visits, much more cheaply and easily (including allowing for folks to be recorded at a distance and not in the same space), so a lot of recordings have happened in the last few years.

Henry Walker, updated 1/23


  1. This is absolutely amazing! I have a few comics that I'd love to send in...

  2. I'm so glad you are doing this!! History is important.
    I've got a dvd of video from 1988-1989. Farewell to Don, Lower School staff in trash bags singing "I Heard it Through the Grapevine", An MLK Day in the Center Building.
    Let me know if you want it or can use it. Lisa Fischbeck


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